Both oil and gas play an immense role in the economy of any country. Therefore it is significant to bring the key oil production areas under the lens. Oil producing countries put their ultimate endeavour to bring those areas into notice. In this regard lets fix the radar on Austin Chalk in Southern Texas as it is one of the major oil producing zone. For years, experts have been using innovative drilling techniques to extract light and cheap crude oil out from there. Therefore today lets see what are the basic techniques which are used for extracting oil from Austin Chalk.


What is Horizontal oil drilling?

The process called horizontal drilling has been incorporated for extracting oil in Austin Chalk. In this process, well like Leonard well has been drilled just on the surface pointing to the subsurface focusing the area where oil can be exactly found. Now this targeted oil zone is known as the kick-off point. In fact, the horizontal oil drilling is more effective than the vertical representation because this process is able to extract oil twenty times more than the vertical one.

What are the main objectives of horizontal oil drilling?

  • Most importantly it increases the success rate of drilling as a result of which more and more hydrocarbons are found.
  • The drilling technique turns out profitable for any economy.
  • It has the capability to accentuate the probable area of drainage which is why the recovery chance of oil and gas escalates to the maximum.
  • The horizontal oil drilling technique is beneficial as it makes the well productive by opening more and more natural fracture zones in the oil formation areas.

Where should you roll up to understand more on the horizontal drilling technique?

Do you seriously want to learn more on the area called Austin chalk and about the horizontal drilling technique in Leonard well? Then you have to get on the site Here you will come to know about the formation of the Austin chalk and the oil reserves found there.

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